Low-Level Light Therapy

Low-Level Light Therapy (LLLT)

Low-Level Light Therapy (LLLT) is the therapeutic application of low-intensity light to the skin tissue which stimulates cellular activity and reduces inflammation, improves cell function, and promotes healing. LLLT provides a wide variety of benefits and has been shown to effectively treat dry eye syndrome, styes/chalazions (bumps on the eyelid), and blepharitis.

LLLT utilizes different wavelengths of light to treat specific conditions. This allows for a customized treatment approach based on each patient’s specific condition. During LLLT different colors of light—red, blue, yellow, green, pink, and infrared—represent different wavelengths of light. Each of these wavelengths of light offer a specific benefit to the patient.

A primary cause of dry eye syndrome is Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD). Meibomian glands are responsible for producing the oily layer of the tear film. Over time these glands often become clogged which leads to a lack of oil in the tear film. This causes evaporative dry eye syndrome as oil is needed in the tears to prevent the tears from evaporating. Long-term dryness results in persistent inflammation on the surface of the eye which causes discomfort associated with dry eye syndrome. By reducing inflammation and improving the function of Meibomian glands, LLLT treats the underlying cause of evaporative dry eye syndrome.

Hunter Family Vision offers LLLT as an in-office treatment for patients and utilizes the InfinityPro, a best-in-class LLLT device. The InfinityPro provides medical grade low-level light to achieve great results while maintaining good patient comfort. LLLT treatments are prescribed by your eye doctor based on your specific condition. Each treatment typically lasts for about 15 minutes. LLLT treatments are priced at $125 per session

LLLT is performed at our Leawood practice. Please call (913)681-8555 for scheduling. Thank you!

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